Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Some cherry pickings from my fbook postings.

A tear for Stephen hawking

This made me shed a tear for Mr. Hawking, as I believe that heaven and hell are states of being.

Monday, May 9, 2011

United Nations

Japan has over 50 nuclear plants that all have a high chance of contaminating on a global scale. The world needs to apply pressure on Japan to close all of them. Whose job is that? the United Nations?
As the situation in Fukushima is still not under control after all this time, we obviously are not in a position to control nuclear power installations. They are demonstrated unsafe time and time again.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Heaven and Hell

The Bible is so full of contradictions, I am astounded that people believe that it originated from one entity. It is so obviously a collection of PEOPLES writing. Heaven and hell are in you, right here, right now. You decide where you want to be!
Apologies to those who are unable to choose.

I empathize, therefore, I am.

Portapotty slogan

We're the cream of the crap.

Sunday, May 1, 2011